First and foremost Stonewall Tactical Judo is a modern day fighting system. It isn't so much based on classical judo as it is based on American Combat Judo from 1944. Though based on Jujutsu it includes more modern and scientific developments in self defense as well as learning strategies. It also draws from other systems such as Catch As Catch Can Wrestling, Boxing, Muay Thai, and other modern systems from all over the world.
So why call it Judo instead of Combatives or something else? Well frankly with all the saturation and marketing behind it as well as the so-called reality based self defense movement the term "combatives" has lost it's meaning for me. What people are actually teaching today is more like combat martial arts. Combat martial arts basically means your doing the same old mcdojo tactics but your more aggressive with it. People are just taking whatever they do and slapping the word combatives on the end of it for marketing, it just doesn't mean anything anymore. The simple fact is that if you look at the upper level kata of Judo you will find disabling blows,knife defenses, stick defenses, and gun defenses. Does that sound familiar to you? Yep it's everything they teach in modern self defense today. By the way I didn't just pluck the word judo out of nowhere. I have a 4th dan in Judo and a 6th Dan in Jujutsu as well as a Professorship( Kyoshi Sho). I also have a 5th Dan in Ninjutsu but hey let's stay on point. Now we don't use the same weapon defenses they teach in Judo I'd like to think we are a little more evolved I'm just saying the blueprint was always there. Actually, W.E. Fairbairn was a Judo exponent as were most of the original "combatives" guys.
If you've looked at the rest of the site you will notice I teach police departments all over the country and we are going international soon. This system uses the same teaching methodologies as I employ when teach defensive tactics to police. If you read the testimonials over on the S.T.A.R. Method page you will see this teaching method works wonders for these officers. Taking these ideas and applying them to martial arts will get you much better and much faster than you will see in other so- called combatives or reality based systems. I've always disliked the term reality based self defense because it is subjective and situational. We start you out learning verbal de-escalation then managing awareness and avoidance. You can't be attacked if you aren't there. Then we teach you basic self defense. You will be able to reasonably be able to defense yourself after just a few classes. Not a couple years like other systems. Once you have a firm foundation then we can add other things. Want to see us in action? if your in the North Alabama area contact us through the contact us link about a private class. Outside that area you can contact me through the same link about hosting a seminar at your school. You will definitely notice a huge difference in quality. Let us show you that difference.