Friday, September 16, 2011

High Tech Toilet...Are You F#$king Serious?

   Well.... Kohler has gone and invented a high tech toilet for rich people. This toilet costs $6400! Who the fuck is going to spend that kind of money on something they are just going to shit in anyway when you can shit outside for free? I mean to think that money could go to a homeless shelter. It could buy a poor kid clothes for years. It could pay for community college. I mean Nothing says fuck the poor like $6400 on a shitter.
   Plus it's one of those commercials that shows everything about a product other than what it's used for. You know like those summer's eve commercials with a woman running through a field. Happy I guess she isn't messing up her pants. I mean in this commercial you have the nice romantic setting with the music playing. A man and a women dressed really nice and kind of dancing  close as it cuts to shots of a fuckin' toilet. They look at the toilet and he whispers in her ear,"I gotta take a shit right now." I mean what the hell why is there a toilet in the living room next to a big ass window so everyone can see in. I would so piss all over that glass who puts a toilet there. I mean damn I like some low level bombing too but I'm not gonna do it in my living room. I mean what if you have people over and gotta drop a deuce. People aren't just gonna sit there and watch TV while your fartin and shittin all over the place I don't care how nice the toilet is.
   The thing has heated seats and theme music. I mean how much of a prissy ass do you have to be to need a heated seat? I mean I've been there before in the middle of the night you gotta take a dump and get paralyzed and cinch up from a cold seat. We've all been there but goddamn! I ain't paying money for it I'll just deal with it. It plays elevator music too. I don't even like elevator music in elevators hell that would be distracting. I'd be like turn that off I'm tryin to shit in here I gotta concentrate. This has got to be one of the most pointless inventions I have ever seen.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Third Impact

Yes it's anime but it's got some deep stuff going on here and it's definitely worth a look and worth thinking about

You've seen the anime now check out the response to part 3 by John Lew

This is a response to the video, "How i stopped worrying and learned to love the third impact". The video is from the well known anime neon genesis evangelion. The video talks about self,truth, reality and changes that influence reality

"I see so this another possibility, another possible reality this current myself is the same way its not the true myself. I can be any way i wish to be!"

In the beginning of the clip we see Shinji going to class and interacting with the students. What goes on is much different than the way he acts normally. The interactions with his fellow students is different. In much of Evangelion series Shinji personality is very withdrawn and spends much of the time shunning the real world because of past trauma he has endured.

Each day since we are born we see numerous images that change and shape us in ways we dont think about normally. These images can be about ourselves, products, lifestyle, etc. We can also be lead to blindly follow those images and fool ourselves into thinking that is the only "reality." Turn on your television right now and watch how many commercials and images you see. Then turn it off and thinking about what you saw and how those same things can be used to change your perception.

After a while something changes in your thinking. You ask yourself, " I dont believe in the perception or image that was shown to me!" The dialogue of the anime when translated can differ from the clip so please refer to this page which has the text from this episode (

Two characters say this to Shinji about the mind and reality.

Makoto:It's your mind that conceives that the reality is bad and hateful.
Shigeru:  The mind which confuses the reality with the truth.

As with the images that help form certain beliefs in our head, it can also twist and distort those beliefs making into something different than we originally believed. All of us have seen people in our lives that have belief systems that can be view as trully strange from what is considered the norm. People who trully believe their way of life is the only way to live which could be applied to anything in life. They cannot think of anything different or they are not willing to change what they believe.

Many who will be reading this have a interest in combat/self protection. There are numerous philosophies on what will work, what to practice, what will not work. A person gets into one of these systems and faithfully does what the system teaches without question. After some time one finds differences in the system that they are in and confusion starts to set in. Will that person change what they once believed about such system having the truth or ignore it and go on learning it without question. A person truth that has been formed by that system has now been put in question...a dangerous situation. I admit its painful it hurts your ego, as some philosophers would say it hurts "you" that alone can stop one from going forward.

Two more characters say this to Shinji. Thinking about what they say and how it can relate to what is said in the paragraph above.

Kensuke:   But there's only one truth that you have,which is formed of the narrowed view of the world,That's revised information to protect yourself,the twisted truth.

Touji:   Oh, yes. the view of the world that one can have is quite small.

Then we come to the subject of change. Which can be a delicate subject to many people.  All of us have a problem with the word itself. For some of us the problem is big or it can be small. Using the example that we see numerous images while growing up and all through are lives we deal with change on a constant basis.  There are beliefs you have as a small child and when you get older you question them. Either those beliefs we change or they will remain the same.  You were once part of a subculture then you grow out of it and find it no longer fits what you believe about yourself.  The morals or system you live your life by will run into different beliefs that will challenge it and make you rethink about it.

Several characters state things about change, truth, and how it influences others.

Maya: The view angle, the position. If these are slightly different, the things inside the mind will change a lot.
Ryouji:  The truths are as many as people.
Asuka:  One see things with the truth given by others.

Using the example of combat it has gone under changes itself. if one views the fights of MMA several years ago one will notice changes in it compared to what we see currently. The changes will continue to happen after coaches, fighters, and others view and take apart what they see in hopes to improve a fighters chances. Each person voices their opinions and it influnces and changes others and the process keeps on going. As many others have already brought up the question of , "The person you are now is different than the person several years ago."
This last part probably is the most important when talking about self.

Misato:  If you know yourself, you can be kind to others.

Shinji:       I hate myself.
                But, I might be able to love myself.
                I might be allowed to stay here.
                Yes. I am nothing but I.
                I am I. I wish to be I.
                I wish to stay here as do I.
                I can stay here as do I!

It has been said by many people the subject of  "Knowing oneself". We can have our beliefs but its harder to recognize those beliefs and ourselves change. With all the images we see and the process that we go through we can still find our own unique self and not be under total control of any one belief system. Even though you and i are in a world full of people you exist bringing to the world what makes you a person. It is not a easy process nor will there be anyone that can truly give you straight answers. You and i exist we are here on earth in this process. The quicker one can realize it no matter how they get there one can go on with their own "life".

One last part of the dialogue to think and for you to ponder on......

Asuka:          One see things with the truth given by others.
Misato:         Happy in the sunny day.
Rei:            Gloomy in the rainy day.
Asuka:          If taught so are you, you always think so.
Ritsuko:        Although You may enjoy rainy days.
Fuyutsuki:      Through the different way of conceiving, change into very different thing will the truth, the weak thing.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Barbaric Tribes

The Franks
The Vandals
The Celts
The Saxons
The Mongols
The Goths
The Huns

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The History Channel Collection Volume 2

Alien Cities Underground
Sniper: In The Crosshairs
Conspiracy of Silence
Gangland Crip or Die
Hitler and the Occult
Gangland Highway To Hell
Gangland Race Wars
Ancient Drugs
P Ramlee
Crusades Crescent and the Cross Part 1
Crusades Crescent and the Cross Part 2

The History Channel Collection Volume 1

                                                    Mind Control-America's Secret War
Ancient Aliens

UFO Files
Japan's Mysterious Pyramids
Gangland - One Blood
Hannibal, The African Warrior
Love & Sex In The Bible
Engineering An Empire : Egypt

According to Joe Rogan

This is part of an interview from Breuer Unleashed Joe seems like a pretty smart dude
Joe on two girls one cup
Joe on ex boyfriends
Joe vs Feminists

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Damn...You Busted Your Ass!

This is basically a video someone put together of various fails. That in and of itself is not interesting. It isn't so much the videos that trip me out. It's that the video features maybe the most offensive dance song ever. Now I'm not offended by the sexual content. That doesn't bother me I'm actually for sexual content I approve of that. I'm offended because the song sucks so bad. it is incredibly stupid and that's saying alot I grew up in the 80's where everything sucked. Let's look at the video with a stupid song and talk about it afterward

Ah yes featuring such golden lyrical nuggets as ...huh....what? Yeah I'm sure you couldn't get enough of that after 4 minutes. I mean when I heard the first line at first I thought it was funny then it was just confusing. I mean suckin on my titties like you wanted me. Yeah great line there it doesn't even make sense. How exactly would a guy suck on some titties like he didn't want the girl? It's a pretty simple act how would one go about phoning that in? Would you not actually suck them and just hold them in your mouth a minute? How exactly would that go down? I mean if a guy didn't want to suck a certain girls titties then don't. Just stay home and watch cinemax or internet porn. That song is so dumb I almost forgot I was getting to see someone bust their ass. That would've been a real shame.

And some more!

Power Of Nightmares

This is all three parts of the 2004 BBC Documentary The Power of Nightmares

Part 1
  Baby It's Cold Outside

Part 2
The Phantom Victory

Part 3
Shadows In The Cave

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Watch Night of the Living Dead for free


You can also doubleclick on the movie to watch it on youtube where fullscreen is available

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Quotes from Paul

The people that know me can tell you I say alot of off the wall things. It's an entertaining part of my personality though most of it is crap or just plain perverted. However just as no one can be wrong all the time sometimes I may utter something prolific. With all the crap I say I'm bound to say something worthwhile eventually the odds are in my favor. Anyway here is a small collection of quotes attributed to me over the passed few years. Some are from things I've written and some are just random quotes of mine.

Never let people who have nothing to lose take away everything you have to gain

In politics look to the left, then look to the right, then look to the middle for the truth

Emptiness is a creeping assassin  

No matter how far you run you can never escape yourself

Does anybody ever notice all the things we see but never realize 

It's impossible to drink anything through a straw and look tough at the same time

All throughout these strangest of days in crowded intersections I walk lost highways

I'm not stopping until I find the ocean that's no one else's but mine

They say if  you love something let it go, If it doesn't come back your gonna feel really stupid for letting it go

I'm every man that you stepped on to get to the one that stepped on you 

When it rains let each drop reminds you I'll be searching til the moment that I find you somewhere in the

Some people crave attention to validate themselves. They get into relationships because they think they are supposed to play that role. Only you can validate yourself and you will never have a successful relationship until you no longer need one to define yourself

This train it only rides in circles I'm so tired of circles I just want to get off. Everyone but me always seemed to know this train can't take me where i want to go

If all I think about is you loving somebody then I'm no good for anybody else

When your dreams become bigger than your memories yesterday don't matter anymore

Monday, June 27, 2011

Ohio woman, Stephanie Robinette, sprayed police with breast milk after fight with husband: cops


An Ohio woman attempted to fight off police trying to remove her from her car by spraying them with her breast milk, authorities said.

Stephanie Robinette got into a fight with her husband while attending a wedding at the Bridgewater Banquet & Conference Center in the city of Delaware on Saturday, WBNS 10 News reported.

Her husband told police his 30-year-old wife struck him several times, then locked herself in their vehicle.

"When deputies attempted to remove Robinette from the vehicle, she advised the deputies that she was a breast-feeding mother," said Sheriff Walter L. Davis III.

As deputies went to restrain her, he said, Robinette "proceeded to remove her right breast from her dress and began spraying deputies and the vehicle with her breast milk."

Additional deputies arrived and eventually pried her from the car before placing her under arrest.

Robinette was charged with domestic violence, assault, obstructing official business, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

"This is a prime example of how alcohol can make individuals do things they would not normally do," Davis said.