Tuesday, June 14, 2011

WTF...Get Outta My Head

You know I'm a pretty busy person and have alot of things going on. Sometimes it's hard to sleep because I have so much stuff in my head. I'm a martial artist with a 6th Degree black belt in Jujitsu. I've been playing guitar since i was 14 and compose my own music. I've been writing poetry since I was 12 and even got published a few years back. I'm an inventor I invented a new restraint and control system that may revolutionize police work. Since march I own my own company and with all that I still have to find time to date and be social somehow. Sometimes though people can have weird random things pop in their heads. It may not be right or it may not even make logical sense but it's there. Sometimes it just kinda hovers there and doesn't go away. In a head like mine frankly I need the space. So hopefully if I write it out then I'll get it out of there and have room for things that matter instead of BullS#!t that's there now. So here it goes. No rhyme,reason, or logic.
I once went over a friend's house and his wife got offended because i didn't say hi to her, but when I got there she was in the bedroom with the door closed. I went to look at something and she came out and I didn't know it. I never got a chance to say anything she was already pissed. Now if your a woman and I don't really know you I'm not gonna go walking in your room when you got the door closed i'll just wait til you come out and say hi. For all I know you could be in there naked with a big pickle or with some other girl and a cup. Screw that I ain't going in there.
It's impossible to look tough drinking anything through a straw.
Parades are stupid
I once went into a public toilet are there was some shit on the back of the seat. How the hell can you miss the toilet when your sitting on it?
I once worked for a company called Details with a guy named Early that got fired cuz he was always late....Ain't that some shit.
If you have to say I'm not trying to be an ass but..........before any phrase......your an ass
Why do some people walk by you and ask how your doing but keep walking? If they don't really give a shit why bother
saying it?... It's pointless
Your not gonna go blind just from doing that....I hope
Now for those that don't know me I tend to do alot for women i care about. I once knew a girl that didn't have furniture and her daughter had to eat off the floor so I gave her my furniture and even helped move it in breaking my right ankle in the process and limping for 3 months(true story seriously). I've written articles to help women empower themselves and make better decisions. I've taught women's self defense courses for free. I've gave away money to help the less fortunate and done without myself. So every now and then some girl that i'm attracted to that doesn't feel the same way will make the comment. I wish I could find a guy like you. Now here's my beef with that......Bitch I'm Single!
It's like they are saying I wish I could find a guy like you but just not you, or maybe I wish I could find a guy like you but attractive with money. Either way don't say it if you aren't gonna do something about it.
It's impossible to be pissed off and play with titties at the same time.
Yes i was staring at her ass
Don't look at that ho in the eyes...dammit now she's gonna come over here
Well that wasn't so bad I feel much better already

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